
Hi! My name is Sarah and the four legged dog you see, his name is Edison. He is my NEADS World Class Service Dog. He was trained specifically to my unique needs and helps be each and everyday. He knows over 60 commands/tasks to assist me. I am so grateful to NEADS for placing me with such an amazing helper and companion! Having Edison by my side is such a comforting feeling. We go everywhere together. He frequently accompanies me to to New York City which requires a cab to the train station, a train ride, a bus ride and then some walking to get to where I need to go. Edison does it all with ease.

After over three years of our partnership, it is hard to remember what my life was like before being matched with him. His incredible training helps me more than words can say. The simple act of dropping a pen in the middle of Grand Central sends me into a tizzy thinking about having to ask for help and possibly making a big scene. Now with Edison by my side I don’t even think that way. A simple command sends us on our way in less than 30 seconds.

I invite you to follow along with us on our journey together. Take a peek around and see the wonderful world of Edison and I!